• the latter days of The text printed in 1818 has "latter days of December," which is clearly a compositor's
    error unnoticed in the Shelleys' proofreading of the text for the first edition. The
    mistake, once in print, went unnoticed in all later editions of the novel. In Mary
    Shelley's draft, however, the word is unmistakably "September." She would have had
    every reason to adhere to this timeline since, just a few weeks earlier than her fictional
    schedule, in 1814, it took the Shelley party nine days to cover the distance between
    Basel and Rotterdam (30 August-7 September) travelling exactly as do Victor Frankenstein
    and Henry Clerval and, even when adverse conditions delayed their departure from Holland,
    a three days' crossing brought them to London on 13 September (see Six Weeks' Tour
    for Switzerland and Holland).

    The attenuated journey of the 1818 text is whittled to three months in the shifting
    of the original departure date in 1831, which, as indicated earlier, may have been
    done to accommodate the timespan after Victor's return from Mont Blanc rather than
    his arrival date in England. In the next chapter, as recorded in both the 1818 and
    1831 texts, the chronology reverts to a normative calendar and Victor observes that
    he and Clerval "had arrived in England at the beginning of October" (III:2:5).