Amelia Worsley
Amelia Worsley is an Assistant Professor of English at Amherst College. With Joselyn M. Almeida, she is co-editor of Romanticism, Abolition, and Anti-Slavery Literatures: Pedagogies and Contexts, (Romantic Circles Pedagogies, forthcoming 2021). Her current book project considers the evolution of the concept of “loneliness” in British poetry of the long eighteenth century. She has written several articles adjacent to this project, including “Ophelia’s loneliness” (ELH), and an article on John Milton in The Routledge Companion to Loneliness (forthcoming). She has also written on Charlotte Smith (Placing Charlotte Smith, eds. Elizabeth Dolan and Jacqueline Labbe), and on Wordsworth’s interest in Lucretius (forthcoming in The Wordsworth Circle).