Mark Lussier
Mark Lussier is Professor and Chair of the Department of English at Arizona State University. He is author of Romantic Dynamics: The Poetics of Physicality (Palgrave, 1999) and Romantic Dharma: The Emergence of Buddhism into Nineteenth-Century Europe (Palgrave, 2011), as well as editor of Romanticism and Buddhism (Romantic Circles Praxis Series, 2006) and Engaged Romanticism: Romanticism as Praxis (Cambridge Scholars, 2008). His essays have appeared in numerous collections and journals, including Arts Quarterly, Blake 2.0: William Blake in Twentieth-Century Art, Music and Culture (Palgrave, 2012), Blake: An Illustrated Quarterly, Interrogating Orientalism: Contextual Approaches and Pedagogical Practices (Ohio State UP, 2006), Ecocritical Theory: New European Approaches (U of Virgina P, 2011), Literature Compass, Religion and Literature, Nineteenth-Century Contexts: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Palgrave Advances in William Blake Studies (Palgrave, 2005), Romanticism on the Net, Studies in Romanticism, Visible Language, and The Wordsworth Circle. During his tenure at ASU, he has won numerous teaching awards, including special recognition from the ASU Parents Professor of the Year program (2007), and was the recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Faculty Award from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (2006).
Praxis Essay: Blakean Textuality as Pedagogical Method
Praxis Publication: Romanticism and Buddhism