Michael Scrivener
Michael Scrivener, Distinguished Professor of English at Wayne State University, has published books on Percy Shelley (Radical Shelley, 1982), John Thelwall (Seditious Allegories, 2001; Two Plays by John Thelwall, 2006, coedited with F. Felsenstein; The Daughter of Adoption by John Thelwall, 2013, coedited with J. Thompson and Y. Solomonescu), Romantic verse in political periodicals (Poetry and Reform, 1992), cosmopolitanism (Cosmopolitan Ideal in the Age of Revolution and Reaction, 1776-1832, 2007), and Jewish representations (Jewish Representation in British Literature, 1780-1840 , 2011). He received a Keats-Shelley Distinguished Scholar Award in 2006 and a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2007. He is currently working on a study of John “Jew” King and his daughters.
Praxis Essay: Situating the King Sisters within Literary Tradition
Praxis Publication: Reading Shelley's Interventionist Poetry