Romantic Circles' Virtual Conference Series
Each conference began with series of Web-interchanges between invited keynote
speakers and respondents and then culiminated in a live meeting in the Villa
Diodati, RC's MOOspace. Our goal with this structure was to combine the possibilities
the Web offers for static representation with what the MOO offers as a forum
for interaction. See our help
pages for more information on accessing the MOO. To directly access the
MOO, click here.
Romanticism and Contemporary Culture: June 17,
Urban Excursions: Percy Shelley's "The Devil's Walk":
October 18, 1997
Virtually Dead? Mary Shelley's The Last Man:
September 13, 1997
Romanticism and Contemporary Culture
June 17, 2000
View the log of the conference.
The keynote speakers were:
- Jay Clayton, Vanderbilt
University, "Cultural Patchwork in the Classroom:
Shelley Jackson, Tom Stoppard, William Gibson, and Bruce Sterling Rewrite
the Romantics"
- Atara Stein, California State
University, Fullerton, "Immortals and Vampires
and Ghosts, Oh My!: Byronic Heroes in Popular Culture"
- Ted Underwood, Colby College, "How
to Save 'Tintern Abbey' from New-Critical Pedagogy (in Three Minutes Fifty-Six
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Urban Excursions: Percy Shelley's "The Devil's Walk"
October 18, 1997
View the log of the conference.
The keynote speakers and respondents were:
- Stuart Curran, University of
Pennsylvania, "On Devils, and the Devil; or Vice's Versus"
Respondent: Adriana
Craciun, Loyola University Chicago, "Heavenly Medicine in Hellish Songs: Diabolical Hypertext"
- Neil Fraistat, "The 'Devil' to Edit: Time, Space and Hypertextuality", University of Maryland
- Robert Griffin, Tel Aviv University, "The Mode of Existence of Shelley's 'The Devil's Walk'"
Respondent: Terence Hoagwood, Texas A&M University, "Meaning and the Mode of Existence of 'Works':
A Response to Robert J. Griffin, "The Mode of Existence of Shelley's 'The Devil's Walk'"
- Michael O'Neill, University of Durham, UK, "'A Hellish Song': Shelley's 'The Devil's Walk'"
Respondent: Andrew Stauffer, University of
Virginia, Response
- Morton Paley, University of California, Berkeley, "'The Devil's Walk' and 'The Devil's Thoughts'"
Respondent: Bruce Graver, Providence College, Response
- Don Reiman, University of Delaware, "Shelley and Popular Culture: 'The Devil's Walk'"
Respondent: Michael Scrivener, Wayne State University, Response
General papers:
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Virtually Dead? Mary Shelley's The Last Man
September 13, 1997
View log of virtual conference
The keynote speakers and respondents were:
Romantic Circles / Features / Virtual Conference Series