3877. Robert Southey to John Murray, 27 July 1822


Address: To/ J Murray Esqr 
Endorsement: July 27 1822./ R Southey
MS: National Library of Scotland, MS 42552. ALS; 3p.

My dear Sir

I am not sure whether I requested you that the proofs of this concluding chapter


Chapter 15 of Southey’s History of the Peninsular War, 3 vols (London, 1823–1832), I, pp. 756–806.

might be sent to Bedford as well as me, that they may be perused by one or two persons


These included Thomas Peregrine Courtenay, who as Paymaster General 1807–1811 had been on the retreat to Corunna in 1808–1809.

who were in Sir J Moores army.


Sir John Moore (1761–1809; DNB), commander of British forces on the retreat to Corunna.

A page or two of corrections is all that remains to be sent – they are more properly additions, drawn from papers which I did not receive till the sheets to which they relate were printed

Some time ago I mentioned to you as desiderata the historical writings of Francisco de Olivarez – they are ‘the war in Catalonia’ – Anecdotes of Chiefs in the Catalonian war, & Memoirs of the Spanish Monarchy from the reign of Ferdinand & Isabel to the usurpation of Joseph Buonaparte.”


Southey had read John Mitford’s ‘On Spanish Literature, with some Account of Francisco de Olivarez’, New Monthly Magazine, 10 (October 1818), 221–223. It mentioned Olivarez’s Account of the War in Catalonia (1815) in four volumes, published at Seville, 1815; Anecdotes of Chiefs Employed in the Catalan War (1816); and Memoirs of the Spanish Monarchy to the Abdication of Charles 4 & the Usurpation of Joseph Bonaparte (1816). However, none of these works seem to exist. Southey had already asked Murray to try and acquire them; see Southey to John Murray: 10 July 1820, The Collected Letters of Robe…

Pray get them if it be possible, – the two former I want at this time for the commencement of the second volume.

Believe me my dear Sir
Yrs very truly
Robert Southey

July 27. 1822. Keswick


1. Chapter 15 of Southey’s History of the Peninsular War, 3 vols (London, 1823–1832), I, pp. 756–806.[back]
2. These included Thomas Peregrine Courtenay, who as Paymaster General 1807–1811 had been on the retreat to Corunna in 1808–1809.[back]
3. Sir John Moore (1761–1809; DNB), commander of British forces on the retreat to Corunna.[back]
4. Southey had read John Mitford’s ‘On Spanish Literature, with some Account of Francisco de Olivarez’, New Monthly Magazine, 10 (October 1818), 221–223. It mentioned Olivarez’s Account of the War in Catalonia (1815) in four volumes, published at Seville, 1815; Anecdotes of Chiefs Employed in the Catalan War (1816); and Memoirs of the Spanish Monarchy to the Abdication of Charles 4 & the Usurpation of Joseph Bonaparte (1816). However, none of these works seem to exist. Southey had already asked Murray to try and acquire them; see Southey to John Murray: 10 July 1820, The Collected Letters of Robert Southey. Part Six, Letter 3509; 27 February 1821, The Collected Letters of Robert Southey. Part Six, Letter 3641; and 11 June 1821, The Collected Letters of Robert Southey. Part Six, Letter 3693.[back]
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