Explore Editions Volumes
Erasmus Darwin wrote The Loves of the Plants (1789) to popularize the Linnaean sexual system of botanical taxonomy by portraying the romances of personified stamens and pistils. But the text far exceeds this purpose, and with its combination of ornate verse, ample polymathic footnotes, and philosophical interludes, is a hybrid work of…
Part Seven focuses on the years when the ‘Lake Poet’, biographer, historian and social commentator Robert Southey was one of the most high-profile, and controversial, authors working in Britain. Drawing on manuscripts from over 100 international archives, it makes available for the…
Dorothy Wordsworth was an active poet for much of her life. Unlike her brother, William, however, she only published a few of her poems during her lifetime. This does not mean that her verse was unknown, as she shared her poems with her family members and social circle. She also returned to her poems throughout her adult life, recopying,…
This project has been motivated by two central questions: first, why would Godwin—anarchist philosopher, political advocate, and successful novelist and dramatist—decide in the middle of his career to pseudonymously author, publish, and sell children's books? Second, what is the relationship between Godwin's children's books and his other…
Dorothy Wordsworth is one of the most distinctive voices of Romantic-era literature: the author of extraordinary journals, poems, narratives, letters, and natural descriptions. This edition celebrates her work as a literary guide to the English Lake District. It offers access to works from across her career, all newly edited from…
"Throughout my teaching experiences, especially in seminars that have covered the life and works of the Shelleys, Lord Byron, and other writers of the age, reading The Last Man at the end has consistently provided a stimulating and memorable culmination. This is because these pages are filled with familiar material, even if one has not read the…
This project is the first ever edition of the surviving letters of Robert Southey (1774-1843). Admired, hated, imitated and ridiculed by his contemporaries, Southey’s reputation later declined to a point where he could be described as the ‘missing link’…
This electronic edition makes the text available for the first time in over 200 years from the single known copy in the world. As an electronic edition in Romantic Circles, the poem is machine-readable, enabling access not only to those without physical access, but also to those with sight disabilities in the spirit of its twentieth-century…
Anna Letitia Barbauld, whose collected works are in progress from Oxford University Press, was eminent as a poet, a path-breaking writer for children, a political writer during the years of the French Revolution and the Reform movement in Britain, and a woman of letters whose literary criticism went far to establish the modern canon of British…
For the first time available to the general public in digital format are five select piano recordings from Hubert Parry’s Scenes from Prometheus Unbound (1880), an orchestral choral cantata based on Percy Shelley's lyrical drama. The music was created and recorded by the talented musician, Jennifer Castleton. Included among…