4305. Robert Southey to Henry Herbert Southey, 24 December 1824


Address: To/ Dr Southey/ 15. Queen Anne Street/ Cavendish Square/ London
Stamped: KESWICK/ 298
Postmark: E/ 27 DE 27/ 1824
Seal: red wax; design illegible
MS: Keswick Museum and Art Gallery, 1996.5.337a. ALS; 4p.

My dear Harry

A letter to the Episcope goes by this post.


Southey to William Howley, 24 December 1824, Letter 4304, which sought the Bishop’s support for Henry Herbert Southey’s application to become a Fellow of the Royal Society.

I wish you would bring Henry Taylor & John Coleridge together, & I have told J.C. so.


Southey to John Taylor Coleridge, 24 December 1824, Letter 4303.

They ought to know each other, on the score of the Q.R, & will do it better thro you than by a dry introduction at Murrays, or one of his crowded dinners. Henry Taylor is at present a writer who has a great deal of power & all good materials in him; & his official situation is such that he is in a fair – I may say a sure way, of becoming a very considerable person. I have a great liking for him, & great hopes of him. – There was an article in the Courier


‘To the Editor of the Courier’, Courier, 18 December 1824, and signed ‘H.T.’

by him (which I have not seen) in reply to that atrocious & beastly libel in the M Chronicle.


Southey versus Lord Byron’, Morning Chronicle, 17 December 1824. Southey considered taking action against the newspaper but did not do so.

That libel I have referred to Turner, to deal with, or leave alone as he may deem expedient; but if our laws are good for anything, I think he will notice it, in the only way which it ought to be noticed by prosecuting a paper villainous enough to publish it.

My letter has been inserted in Blackwoods Magazine with an introduction in the true Blackwood style, bepraising both Byron & me, talking nonsense about both, & praising the composition of the letter as a masterpiece in its kind.


‘Southey and Byron’, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 16 (December 1824), 711–715.

The remarkable thing in this, is the forwardness with which that Magazine is got ready, & the promptude with which it is carried. My letter was published on the 13th


Southey to the Editor of the Courier, 8 December 1824, Letter 4289, published 13 December 1824.

it could not reach Edinburgh till the 16th, – it is not the last article in the Magazine which is not to be published till New Years day, yet the Magazine is printed, sent to London for Francis Freelings frank, & reaches me by that account on the 23d. The Scotch manage these things better than their neighbours.

The transfer of the QR to John Coleridge is to me a matter of great satisfaction on all accounts. My papers will not be mutilated nor will they be postponed from one number to another, – so that I shall know what I have to depend on.

Love to all – & God bless you

Dec 24. 1824

A merry Xmas to you all, & many of them


1. Southey to William Howley, 24 December 1824, Letter 4304, which sought the Bishop’s support for Henry Herbert Southey’s application to become a Fellow of the Royal Society.[back]
2. Southey to John Taylor Coleridge, 24 December 1824, Letter 4303.[back]
3. ‘To the Editor of the Courier’, Courier, 18 December 1824, and signed ‘H.T.’[back]
4. Southey versus Lord Byron’, Morning Chronicle, 17 December 1824. Southey considered taking action against the newspaper but did not do so.[back]
5. ‘Southey and Byron’, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 16 (December 1824), 711–715.[back]
6. Southey to the Editor of the Courier, 8 December 1824, Letter 4289, published 13 December 1824.[back]