3983. Robert Southey to John Murray, 19 March 1823


Address: To/ John Murray Esqre/ Albemarle Street/ London 
Stamped: KESWICK/ 298
Postmark: E/ 22 MR 22/ 1823
Endorsement: Mar 19 – 1823/ R Southey
MS: National Library of Scotland, MS 42552. ALS; 2p.

My dear Sir

I have discovered to my vexation, that in returning Strypes Life of Cranmer


John Strype (1643–1737; DNB), Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer, Sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury: Wherein the History of the Church, and the Reformation of it during the Primacy of the said Archbishop are Greatly Illustrated; and Many Singular Matters Relating Thereunto, now first Published (1694). The book was reprinted by Oxford University Press in 1812 and was no. 2754 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library. It focused on Thomas Cranmer (1489–1556; DNB), Archbishop of Canterbury 1533–1555.

to you some time ago I was mistaken in supposing the extracts which I had made would be sufficient for my purpose; – for upon looking to them I find references to several parts of importance which were too long for transcription. May I request you therefore to send me the book again, – that what will be perhaps the most impressive chapter in the Book of the Church may not be weakened by this oversight.


One of chapters 12–14 of Southey’s Book of the Church, 2 vols (London, 1824), II, pp. 1–242.

– I feel in some degree ashamed at troubling you thus in consequence of a mistake; but if you saw my notes I am sure you would at once forgive me, & wonder at the cost of labour expended upon them, – not at the economy of time which these references were designed to effect.

Yrs very truly
R Southey.

1. John Strype (1643–1737; DNB), Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer, Sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury: Wherein the History of the Church, and the Reformation of it during the Primacy of the said Archbishop are Greatly Illustrated; and Many Singular Matters Relating Thereunto, now first Published (1694). The book was reprinted by Oxford University Press in 1812 and was no. 2754 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library. It focused on Thomas Cranmer (1489–1556; DNB), Archbishop of Canterbury 1533–1555.[back]
2. One of chapters 12–14 of Southey’s Book of the Church, 2 vols (London, 1824), II, pp. 1–242.[back]
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