3990. Robert Southey to John Murray, 26 March [1823]


Endorsement: Mar 26. 1823/ R Southey Esq
MS: National Library of Scotland, MS 42552. ALS; 3p.

My dear Sir

Thank you for the Clarendon List.


The latest list of new publications by Oxford University Press.

I should like to see the new edition of Burnets Memoirs <Own Times>, because the suppressed passages may possibly containing some facts relating to ecclesiastical, & because it would certainly be an excellent subject for a review.


Bishop Burnet’s History of his Own Time: with the Suppressed Passages of the First Volume and Notes by the Earls of Dartmouth and Hardwicke, and Speaker Onslow, Hitherto Unpublished; to Which are Added the Cursory Remarks of Swift, and Other Observations (1823), no. 498 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library. This was a new edition of Gilbert Burnet (1643–1715; DNB), History of My Own Time (1724–1734), edited by Martin Routh (1755–1854; DNB). Southey was interested in this book for his Book of the Church (1824). He reviewed it in Quarterly Review, 29 (April 1823), 165–214, published 27–28 …

I have all the Oxford Strypes, except the Cranmer


John Strype (1643–1737; DNB), Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer, Sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury: Wherein the History of the Church, and the Reformation of it during the Primacy of the said Archbishop are Greatly Illustrated; and Many Singular Matters Relating Thereunto, now first Published (1694). The book was reprinted by Oxford University Press in 1812 and was no. 2754 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library.

– which I had not bought, as expecting it to be printed in the same form as the rest. They are invaluable works for one whose object in reading is to inform himself thoroughly in the history of those times. His Annals


John Strype, Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion (1709). Oxford University Press published a new edition in 1824, no. 2753 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library.

are the only work of his which I have not seen & carefully noted. I have been waiting for their publication.

When the new edition of Baxter


The Puritan clergyman, Richard Baxter (1615–1691; DNB). It is not clear which of his works Southey was suggesting he review. He may have heard of the forthcoming The Practical Works of the Rev. Richard Baxter with a Life of the Author and a Critical Examination of his Writings (1830), edited by William Orme (1787–1830; DNB). Southey did not write on the subject for the Quarterly Review.

is compleat you must let me have it, as an opportunity of writing his life. It will make a striking & useful article. Please to send me the clean sheets of the B. of the Church,


Southey’s The Book of the Church (1824).

beginning with E. I am now advancing rapidly with it, – as indeed my work is always half done when the foundations are laid.

Yours very truly


Keswick. 26 March.

1. The latest list of new publications by Oxford University Press.[back]
2. Bishop Burnet’s History of his Own Time: with the Suppressed Passages of the First Volume and Notes by the Earls of Dartmouth and Hardwicke, and Speaker Onslow, Hitherto Unpublished; to Which are Added the Cursory Remarks of Swift, and Other Observations (1823), no. 498 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library. This was a new edition of Gilbert Burnet (1643–1715; DNB), History of My Own Time (1724–1734), edited by Martin Routh (1755–1854; DNB). Southey was interested in this book for his Book of the Church (1824). He reviewed it in Quarterly Review, 29 (April 1823), 165–214, published 27–28 September 1823.[back]
3. John Strype (1643–1737; DNB), Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Cranmer, Sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury: Wherein the History of the Church, and the Reformation of it during the Primacy of the said Archbishop are Greatly Illustrated; and Many Singular Matters Relating Thereunto, now first Published (1694). The book was reprinted by Oxford University Press in 1812 and was no. 2754 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library.[back]
4. John Strype, Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion (1709). Oxford University Press published a new edition in 1824, no. 2753 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library.[back]
5. The Puritan clergyman, Richard Baxter (1615–1691; DNB). It is not clear which of his works Southey was suggesting he review. He may have heard of the forthcoming The Practical Works of the Rev. Richard Baxter with a Life of the Author and a Critical Examination of his Writings (1830), edited by William Orme (1787–1830; DNB). Southey did not write on the subject for the Quarterly Review.[back]
6. Southey’s The Book of the Church (1824).[back]
Volume Editor(s)