4020. Robert Southey to Elizabeth Browne, 16 May, 1823


Address: To/ Mrs Browne/ The Hill/ near Stourbridge/ Worcestershire
Stamped: KESWICK/ 298
Endorsement: No. 4.
MS: British Library, Add MS 47891. ALS; 3p. 

My Dear Madam

My Governess has desired me to answer your kind letter, the pen being seldom in her hand, & as seldom out of mine. Certainly I shall not leave home before the end of June, & not be in Devonshire before the beginning of August. I am delayed by the growth of my work,


Southey’s The Book of the Church (1824). It was unfinished when he left for London on 3 November 1823.

– my intention was to comprise it in one volume, – but the subject leading me into details which could not properly be spared, it has extended to a second.

I shall have no difficulty in finding you at Exeter. Edith-May is greatly obliged by your remembrance of her & by your invitation. It is by no means impossible that she may avail herself of it, as there is some prospect of her traveling from London into Somersetshire about twelvemonths hence. At her age it is natural to look so far forward in the hope & confidence – at mine I believe it is seldom done without a mournful sense of the uncertainty.

Our love to little Mary.


Mary Browne (1810–1892), daughter of Wade and Elizabeth Browne. She later married William Farwell (1806–1876), Rector of St Martin’s, Liskeard, 1830–1876.

I doubt not but that she will do well. Her delicacy of constitution is not of that kind which should excite uneasiness. Remember me also when opportunity offers to Miss Browne & Mrs Crump & believe me

My dear Madam
Yours with sincere esteem
Robert Southey.

1. Southey’s The Book of the Church (1824). It was unfinished when he left for London on 3 November 1823.[back]
2. Mary Browne (1810–1892), daughter of Wade and Elizabeth Browne. She later married William Farwell (1806–1876), Rector of St Martin’s, Liskeard, 1830–1876.[back]
Volume Editor(s)