4056. Robert Southey to John Murray, 6 September [1823]


Address: To/ John Murray Esqr 
Endorsement: R. Southey/ Sept 6/23 
MS: National Library of Scotland, MS 42552. ALS; 2p.

My dear Sir

I send you the conclusion of the Article


Southey’s review of Bishop Burnet’s History of his Own Time: with the Suppressed Passages of the First Volume and Notes by the Earls of Dartmouth and Hardwicke, and Speaker Onslow, Hitherto Unpublished; to Which are Added the Cursory Remarks of Swift, and Other Observations (1823), no. 498 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library. This was a new edition of Gilbert Burnet (1643–1715; DNB), History of My Own Time (1724–1734), edited by Martin Routh (1755–1854; DNB). Southey reviewed it in Quarterly Review, 29 (April 1823), 165–214, published 27–28 September 1823, and used the occasion to surve…

– For your next you shall have a paper upon America from Dwights Travels,


Timothy Dwight (1752–1817), Travels in New-England and New-York (1821–1822), no. 881 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library. It was reviewed by Southey in Quarterly Review, 30 (October 1823), 1–40, published 17 April 1824.

written in a better temper than those which have excited so much irritation among th in the Americans. Of course I must shall slide into this conciliatory tone with the best grace I can.

Pray send me the clean sheets of the B. Church.


Southey’s The Book of the Church (1824).

It will soon be finished now. – I have also made such progress in the Dialogues


Southey’s Sir Thomas More: or, Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society (1829).

that Westalls drawings


Westall had produced six sketches of Lake District scenes that were engraved for Sir Thomas More: vol. I: ‘Druidical Stones near Keswick’, Derwentwater, Bassenthwaite-water, and Skiddaw, from Walla Crag’, and ‘Derwentwater from Strandshagg’; and vol. II: ‘Crosthwaite Church and Skiddaw’, ‘Greta Hall, Derwentwater, and Newlands’, and ‘Tarn of Blencathra’.

had better be put into the Engravers hands.

believe me my dear Sir
Yrs very truly
Robert Southey.


Keswick 6 Sept.

I am very sorry that some engagements here prevented me from meeting Mr Canning at Storrs.


Storrs Hall, Windermere, the home of John Bolton (1756–1837), a Liverpool merchant and prominent supporter of George Canning as MP for the city.
1. Southey’s review of Bishop Burnet’s History of his Own Time: with the Suppressed Passages of the First Volume and Notes by the Earls of Dartmouth and Hardwicke, and Speaker Onslow, Hitherto Unpublished; to Which are Added the Cursory Remarks of Swift, and Other Observations (1823), no. 498 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library. This was a new edition of Gilbert Burnet (1643–1715; DNB), History of My Own Time (1724–1734), edited by Martin Routh (1755–1854; DNB). Southey reviewed it in Quarterly Review, 29 (April 1823), 165–214, published 27–28 September 1823, and used the occasion to survey the reign of Charles II (1630–1685; King of Great Britain 1660–1685; DNB).[back]
2. Timothy Dwight (1752–1817), Travels in New-England and New-York (1821–1822), no. 881 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library. It was reviewed by Southey in Quarterly Review, 30 (October 1823), 1–40, published 17 April 1824.[back]
3. Southey’s The Book of the Church (1824).[back]
4. Southey’s Sir Thomas More: or, Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society (1829).[back]
5. Westall had produced six sketches of Lake District scenes that were engraved for Sir Thomas More: vol. I: ‘Druidical Stones near Keswick’, Derwentwater, Bassenthwaite-water, and Skiddaw, from Walla Crag’, and ‘Derwentwater from Strandshagg’; and vol. II: ‘Crosthwaite Church and Skiddaw’, ‘Greta Hall, Derwentwater, and Newlands’, and ‘Tarn of Blencathra’.[back]
6. Storrs Hall, Windermere, the home of John Bolton (1756–1837), a Liverpool merchant and prominent supporter of George Canning as MP for the city.[back]
Volume Editor(s)