4093. Robert Southey to [Edward Hawke Locker], 26 November [1823]


MS: Beinecke Library, Burney Family Collection, Osborn MSS 3, Box 21, Folder 1472. ALS; 1p.
Dating note: Dating from content. 26 November fell on a Wednesday in 1823.

My dear Sir

Here I am with my eldest daughter, we have arrived long enough for me to see my way thro some business & many engagements, & I now write these hasty lines to say that I shall have great pleasure in making my promised visit to you at any time after Friday Dec. 5 that which you may please to appoint. – I heard of you yesterday from Blanco White, & saw one of your Spanish views in progress under Westalls hands


Westall was preparing A Series of Views of Spain and Portugal, to Illustrate Mr. Southey’s History of the Peninsular War; Drawn on Stone by W. Westall, A.R.A., from Sketches by General Hawker, Mr. Locker, Mr. Heaphy, &c. Part I, containing Eight Views, illustrating Vol. I (1823). These could be inserted into the first volume of Southey’s History of the Peninsular War (1823–1832).

With best regards from my daughter & myself to Mrs Locker.

I remain
My dear Sir
Yrs faithfully
Robert Southey.


1. Westall was preparing A Series of Views of Spain and Portugal, to Illustrate Mr. Southey’s History of the Peninsular War; Drawn on Stone by W. Westall, A.R.A., from Sketches by General Hawker, Mr. Locker, Mr. Heaphy, &c. Part I, containing Eight Views, illustrating Vol. I (1823). These could be inserted into the first volume of Southey’s History of the Peninsular War (1823–1832).[back]
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