Joel Faflak
Joel Faflak is Robert and Ruth Lumsden Professor of English and Theory and Criticism at Western University. He is author of Romantic Psychoanalysis, co-author of Revelation and Knowledge, editor of Thomas De Quincey’s Confessions of An English Opium-Eater, and co-editor of Palgrave Studies in Affect Theory and Literary Criticism. He has edited numerous collections, including Marking Time: Romanticism and Evolution, William Blake: Modernity and Disaster (with Tilottama Rajan), and with Richard Sha, Romanticism and the Emotions and most recently, Romanticism and Consciousness Revisited. He is recipient of the Polanyi Prize for Literature and the Edward J. Pleva and Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations awards for teaching excellence. His current projects are “Romantic Psychiatry: The Psychopathology of Happiness” and “Get Happy! Utopianism and the American Film Musical.”
Praxis Essay: 'Still Here'
Praxis Essay: More than a Feeling: Shelley’s Affect
Praxis Essay: Shelley's Sound Body
Praxis Publication: Romantic Psyche and Psychoanalysis
Praxis Publication: The Futures of Shelley's Triumph
Reviews and Resources Book Review: Romanticism and Consciousness, Revisited