Kaitlin Mondello
Kaitlin Mondello received her Ph.D. in English from The Graduate Center, CUNY in 2018 with a focus on the Environmental Humanities. Her dissertation, Toward a Posthuman Ecology: Evolutionary Aesthetics in Transatlantic Romanticism, explores intersections between Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Emily Dickinson with scientific work on species, particularly Erasmus and Charles Darwin. Her scholarly work has appeared in Essays in Romanticism and Romantic Ecocriticism (Lexington Books) with a forthcoming piece in the Journal of Literature and Science. She is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Teaching and Learning Center at The Graduate Center. In Fall 2020, she will be joining Millersville University as an Assistant Professor of English in Ecostudies. She has over ten years of teaching experience, including Hunter College, City College, Guttman Community College, Stern College for Women (Yeshiva University), Stetson University, and Daytona State College. She has blogged about teaching for Visible Pedagogy and HASTAC.
Pedagogies Article: “Dark Ecology”: Race, Gender and the Environment