T.J. McLemore
Technical Editor
T. J. McLemore (he/him) is a PhD Candidate in English and Environmental Humanities at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he serves as site manager and technical editor of Romantic Circles. His research interrogates "speculative ecologies" in contemporary fantastika (mostly sci-fi and the weird), drawing on discourses in environmental justice, posthumanism, complex systems, and science and technology studies to trace the ties between fantastic narrative and poetics, social and environmental injustice, (eco)cultural paralysis, and resistance. McLemore is the author of a chapbook of poems, Circle/Square (Autumn House Press, 2020). His work has appeared in New England Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Kenyon Review Online, Slice Magazine, LitMag, and many other publications.
Editions Publication: Anna Letitia Barbauld Letters to Lydia Rickards, 1798–1815
Editions Publication: Hubert Parry’s Scenes from Prometheus Unbound
Editions Publication: Mary, the Osier-Peeler
Editions Publication: Wordsworth's Guide to the Lakes
Praxis Publication: Mary Wollstonecraft Even Now
Praxis Publication: On the 200th Anniversary of Lord Byron's Manfred: Commemorative Essays
Praxis Publication: Pedagogies Edition: Teach (the) Romantic / Romantic Teaching, Vol. 1
Praxis Publication: Pedagogies Edition: Teaching Global Romanticism
Praxis Publication: Pedagogies Edition: Teaching Romanticism in the Anthropocene
Praxis Publication: Raymond Williams and Romanticism
Reviews and Resources Timeline: Chronology of the Life of John Thelwall