Omar F. Miranda
Omar F. Miranda is Assistant Professor of English at the University of San Francisco. He specializes and teaches courses in the literatures of the eighteenth and nineteenth century. His book manuscript in progress tracks the origins and rise of the culture of global celebrity in the Romantic period. He is editor of On the 200th Anniversary of Lord Byron's Manfred: Commemorative Essays, a bicentenary Romantic Circles Praxis volume. He has published essays in European Romantic Review, Keats-Shelley Journal, Studies in Romanticism, The Wordsworth Circle, Symbiosis, and Romantic Circles; book chapters in Byron in Context, ed. Clara Tuite (Cambridge UP) and The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820, ed. April London (forthcoming); and book reviews in Eighteenth-Century Fiction, BARS Bulletin, and Review 19.
Editions Article: About this Resource: Hubert Parry’s Scenes from Prometheus Unbound
Editions Article: Interview with Jennifer Castleton
Editions Publication: Mary Shelley's The Last Man: Abridged Edition
Other Digital Humanities Article: Interview with Jennifer Castleton
Other Digital Humanities Article: Introduction: Hubert Parry’s Scenes from Prometheus Unbound
Praxis Publication: On the 200th Anniversary of Lord Byron's Manfred: Commemorative Essays
Teaching Edition: Mary Shelley's The Last Man: Abridged Edition