Paul Keen
Paul Keen is Professor of English at Carleton University. He is the author of Literature, Commerce, and the Spectacle of Modernity, 1750–1800 (2012), and The Crisis of Literature in the 1790s: Print Culture and the Public Sphere (1999). His edited books include The Radical Popular Press in Britain, 1817–1821 (2003), Revolutions in Romantic Literature: An Anthology of Print Culture, 1780–1832 (2004), Bookish Histories: Books, Literature, and Commercial Modernity, 1700–1900 (co-edited with Ina Ferris, 2009) and The Age of Authors: An Anthology of Eighteenth-Century Print Culture (2014). His new book, which is forthcoming with Palgrave Macmillan, is entitled A Defense of the Humanities in a Utilitarian Age: Imagining What We Know, 1800–1850.
Gallery Exhibit: 'Philosophical Playthings': The Spectacle of Air-Balloons
Praxis Essay: New Maps: Raymond Williams’s Radical Humanism