Michael Eberle-Sinatra
Michael Eberle-Sinatra is Assistant Professor of Nineteenth-Century British Literature at the University of Montreal. He is the founding editor of Romanticism On the Net, the editor, with Laura Mandell, of the Features & Events page of Romantic Circles, and the general editor, with Thomas C. Crochunis, of the British Women Playwrights around 1800 project. He has edited a collection of essays on Mary Shelley, Mary Shelley's Fictions: From Frankenstein to Faulkner (Macmillan, 2000), and has published several articles on Coleridge, Wagner, Leigh Hunt, and Percy and Mary Shelley. He is also the general editor, with Robert Morrison, of The Selected Writings of Leigh Hunt (forthcoming from Pickering & Chatto, 2002).