Valerie Henitiuk
Valerie Henitiuk is Executive Director, Centre for the Advancement of
Faculty Excellence, and Professor in the Department of English at MacEwan
University in Edmonton, Canada. She previously served as Director of the
British Centre for Literary Translation at the University of East Anglia
(2007-2013). Following a PhD in Comparative Literature in 2005 from the
University of Alberta (Canada), she went on to conduct research at Columbia
University in New York City, supported by a Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) postdoctoral fellowship. Her research
focuses primarily on Translation Studies, World Literature, Japanese
Literature, and Women’s Writing. Dr. Henitiuk’s work has been published
in journals such as the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature,
Comparative Literature Studies, META, Translation Studies, and TTR, and in
collected volumes such as Teaching World Literature (MLA, 2009), Thinking
through Translation with Metaphors (St Jerome, 2010), Translating Women
(University of Ottawa Press, 2011), Creative Constraints: Translation and
Authorship (Monash University Publishing, 2012), and A Companion to
Translation Studies (John Wiley & Sons, 2014). In addition to co-editing One
Step towards the Sun: Short Stories by Women of Orissa for the Indian
publisher Rupantar (2010), she has published the following books: Embodied
Boundaries, on liminal metaphor in women’s writing in English, French, and
Japanese (Gateway Press, 2007); Worlding Sei Shônagon: The Pillow Book in
Translation (University of Ottawa Press, 2011); and A Literature of
Restitution, a co-edited volume of essays on W.G. Sebald (University of
Manchester Press, 2014). She is also Editor-in-Chief of the Routledge journal
Translation Studies. Major awards include the Kokugakuin University Visiting
Researcher Prize (2002-3), the Izaak Walton Killam Scholarship and the
Dorothy J. Killam Memorial Prize (2003), the Governor-General’s Gold Medal
(2005), the inaugural SSHRC Postdoctoral Research Prize (2005), and a
Leverhulme Research Fellowship (2010-11).