Justus Hiddes Halbertsma (1789–1869): Minister in the Mennonite Church in the Netherlands and leading figure in the creation of a literary tradition in West Frisian. He was born in Grou in Friesland, the son of a baker, and trained at the Mennonite seminary in Amsterdam 1807–1813, before becoming a Minister in Bolsward 1814–1821 and Deventer 1822–1856. Halberstma and his two brothers issued the first collection of folk tales in Western Frisian, De Lapekoer fan Gabe Skroar, in 1822, and the collection was reissued and expanded throughout his lifetime. He also wrote an (unfinished) dictionary of Western Frisian, biographies and a history of the Mennonite Church. Southey met Halbertsma in the Netherlands in 1825 at the home of Willem Bilderdijk, and Halbertsma later sent him a translation into West Frisian of The Merchant of Venice.

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