Church of England clergyman. Educated at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. He was ordained in 1820 and, in 1822, appointed Curate at Sandhurst, Kent, where his father, William (1752–1831), was Rector 1781–1831. Later Hussey moved to Rottingdean, near Brighton, where he worked as an articled clerk. His interests included zoology, archaeology and history, and his Notes on the Churches in the Counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey was published in 1852. In 1825 Hussey wrote to Southey, objecting to a passage in The Book of the Church. Southey replied, offered to insert a correction in a future edition, and noted that in the early 1790s he had dined at the house of someone of the same name from the same part of Kent while staying with Thomas Phillipps Lamb at Rye. This was very probably Arthur Hussey’s father (Sandhurst is only eleven miles from Rye).

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