Caleb Hillier Parry (1755–1832): Physician. He was educated at the Warrington Academy and Edinburgh and settled in Bath in November 1779. He developed a large practice and participated in local scientific and agricultural societies. His An Inquiry into the Symptoms and Causes of the Syncope Anginosa Commonly Called Angina Pectoris (1799) was the first monograph on the pathology of angina pectoris. Parry was a friend of Edward Jenner (1749–1823; DNB), and dedicatee of the latter’s book on vaccination. His celebrity patients included Edmund Burke (1729/30–1797; DNB). He was the father of Charles Henry Parry (1779–1860; DNB), who was a companion of Coleridge on his visit to the Harz Mountains in 1799. Parry and Southey undoubtedly knew each other via mutual friends in Bath. They corresponded in 1798 about a print of Joan of Arc.

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