Glocester [also Gloucester] Wilson (c. 1770–1850): Civil Servant. Son of Edward Wilson (1739–1804), Prebendary of Gloucester Cathedral and Canon of Windsor and Sarah Wilson, née Giffin (1734–1810). Edward Wilson had been a tutor to the young William Pitt. He was appointed one of the Commissioners of Customs in 1799, was a Fellow of the Royal Society and wrote two works in opposition to a return to the gold standard in 1811–1812. Wilson married Elizabeth Whitear (1775–1852), widow of Francis North (1778–1821), in 1825 and retired to Hastings in later life. Southey wrote to him in 1820 asking if he possessed a letter to John Wesley (1703–1791; DNB) from a female follower that might prove Wesley had made improper advances to this young woman. Southey had been informed that the letter had been stolen from Wesley’s desk by his wife when they separated and given to Glocester Wilson’s mother. Wilson replied that he only possessed a copy, not the original, of this letter. Southey therefore did not publish his information, as it remained hearsay.

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