Deanna P. Koretsky
From Personal Website: Deanna P. Koretsky is Associate Professor of English and Carnegie Corporation & Rockefeller Foundation Distinguished Research Scholar at Spelman College. Her scholarship and teaching focus on British and Afrodiasporic literatures of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, critical race and feminist studies, cinematic and literary horror, and anti-racist pedagogies. Her work has been supported by numerous grants and fellowships, including the National Endowment for the Humanities and UNCF/Mellon.
Deanna’s first book, Death Rights: Romantic Suicide, Race, and the Bounds of Liberalism, reads across a range of historical and contemporary figures to show how cultural representations of suicide inherited from the early nineteenth century continue to reinforce antiblackness in the modern world. Currently, Deanna is preparing an edition of Mary Shelley’s Mathilda for Oxford World’s Classics and developing her next monograph.
In addition to her solo work as a scholar, Deanna is a founding member of the Bigger 6 Collective, co-chair of the Race and Empire Studies Caucus of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, and is part of several multi-institutional digital initiatives that stand to reshape how students, scholars, and the general public will encounter English-language literatures of the global seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries.
Reviews and Resources Conference Review: Panel: Beyond the Pale: New Directions in Transnational Romanticisms
Reviews and Resources Book Review: Beyond Slavery, Knowledge of Freedom