Laura Mandell
Technical Director
Laura Mandell is the author of Misogynous Economies: The Business of Literature in Eighteenth-Century Britain (1999), a Longman Cultural Edition of The Castle of Ortanto and Man of Feeling, and numerous articles primarily about eighteenth-century women writers. Her article in New Literary History, “What Is the Matter? What Literary History Neither Hears Nor Sees,” describes how digital work can be used to conduct research into conceptions informing the writing and printing of eighteenth-century poetry. She is Editor of the Poetess Archive, on online scholarly edition and database of women poets, 1750-1900 (http://poetessarchive.org), Director of 18thConnect (http://www.18thConnect.org), and Director of ARC, the Advanced Research Consortium overseeing NINES, 18thConnect, and MESA. Her current research involves developing new methods for visualizing poetry, developing software that will allow all scholars to deep-code documents for data-mining, and improving OCR software for early modern and 18th-c. texts via high performance and cluster computing. email: mandell-at-tamu-dot-edu vita
Editions Publication: The Collected Letters of Robert Southey
Praxis Publication: Romanticism and Contemporary Culture