Marco Ramírez Rojas
Marco Ramírez Rojas is Assistant Professor of Spanish at Lehman College, City University of New York, where he teaches twentieth-century Latin American literature. His fields of specialization are Latin American modern and contemporary poetry, and contemporary Latin American novels. In his forthcoming book León de Greiff: Tradición literaria y cartografías cosmopolitas (Purdue University Press), he studies the poetic works of the late modernista Colombian poet as an irreverent construction of literary genealogy and an innovative redrawing of cosmopolitan cultural maps. His academic essays have been published in Hispanófila, Revista Canadiense De Estudios Hispánicos, Chasqui Revista de Literatura, and Revista de Estudios de Literatura Colombiana. He is editor of the academic journal Ciberletras. In 2018 he published the co-edited book Narrativas del miedo: Terror en obras literarias, cinemáticas y televisivas de Latinoamérica (Peter Lang 2018). This volume compiles articles by international scholars that analyze the representations of violence and politically inflicted fear in Latin American novels, films, and comics during the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries. A second volume on this topic is in preparation. In collaboration with Olivia Moy, he is the co-editor and co-translator of Julio y John, caminando y conversando: Selections from Imagen de John Keats. A critical English translation of Julio Cortázar’s Imagen de John Keats complete manuscript is in preparation.
Praxis Essay: Latin American Afterlives of the British Romantics
Praxis Publication: Latin American Afterlives