Hew Whitefoord Dalrymple, 1st Baronet (1750–1830): Army officer. In summer 1808, as commander of the British forces in Portugal, he was responsible for agreeing to the highly controversial Convention of Cintra, by which the French army, its arms and spoils were repatriated in British ships. Dalrymple was recalled to England shortly afterwards and appeared before a government-appointed board of inquiry, which determined that he be exonerated of all blame. Although he was subsequently promoted, reaching the rank of General in 1812, he never received another command. He wrote a memoir of the Peninsular War in 1818, but it remained unpublished until 1830. He also wrote to Southey in 1816 in reply to the latter's criticisms of the Convention of Cintra in the Quarterly Review and sent Southey information for his History of the Peninsular War (1823–1832).

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