Juan Jesús Payán
Juan Jesús Payán is Assistant Professor of Spanish at the City University of New York, Lehman College. He holds two doctoral degrees in Spanish Literature, one from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and another from the University of Cádiz, Spain. He specializes in fantastic aesthetics and nineteenth-century literature from both sides of the Atlantic. He is currently finishing the book entitled Los conjuros del asombro: tradición nacional y género fantástico en la España del XIX (‘Under the Spells of Wonder: National Tradition and the Fantastic Genre in 19th-century Spain’), where he explores how nationalism informed alternate projects of imagination in Peninsular Literature during the Romantic and Post-Romantic period. His research has been published in Hispanic Review, Brumal, Siglo Diecinueve, Cuadernos de ALDEEU, Mester, and Lindaraja, and he is the author of the following books: Vida y obra del músico gaditano Antonio Escobar Perera (The Life and Works of Gaditan Composer Antonio Escobar Perera, 2006) and Entre las dos orillas: lírica hispánica en RevistAtlántica de Poesía (Between Two Shores: Hispanic Poetry in RevistAtlántica de Poesía, 2005).