Michael J. Neth
Michael J. Neth teaches courses on the British Romantic poets at both the undergraduate and graduate levels at Middle Tennessee State University. His published research has focused on the textual study of Percy Bysshe Shelley's poetry. His edition of Shelley's longest poem, the 4,800-line epic "Laon and Cythna," is published in Volume III of "The Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley" (CPPBS) from The Johns Hopkins University Press in 2010. He will also edit two further poems by Shelley for "CPPBS." The series was recently awarded a three-year, $180,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to continue its editing of Shelley's poetry. Dr. Neth's portion of this award will enable him to travel to research libraries in England and New York to further his work.
Reviews and Resources Book Review: Shelley’s Broken World: Fractured Materiality and Intermitted Song Review