Olivia Loksing Moy
Olivia Loksing Moy is Assistant Professor of English at the City University of New York, Lehman College, where she specializes in poetry of the long nineteenth century. Her articles and essays have been published in Comparative Literature, Studies in Romanticism, Victorian Poetry, Victorian Studies, Women’s Writing, The Keats Letters Project, V21.org, and Public Books. Her research projects include a monograph on the Gothic inheritance of Victorian poetry, as well as a critical translation of Julio Cortázar’s Imagen de John Keats. With Marco Ramírez, she is co-editor and co-translator of Julio y John, caminando y conversando: Selections from Imagen de John Keats. With Lee Behlman, she is co-editor of Victorian Verse in Everyday Life. Moy is a contributor to Locating Ann Radcliffe, ed. Andrew Smith and Mark Bennett and The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820, ed. April London (forthcoming). She obtained her A.B. from Princeton University and her Ph.D. from Columbia University.
Praxis Essay: Latin American Afterlives of the British Romantics
Praxis Publication: Latin American Afterlives