3838. Robert Southey to David Laing, 17 May 1822


Address: To/ David Laing Esqre – / to the care of Messrs Deighton/ Booksellers./ Cambridge
Stamped: KESWICK/ 298
MS: Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections, The Laing Collection. ALS; 3p.

Dear Sir

I lose no time in inclosing you a note, which I trust will facilitate your views at Cambridge. But I will venture to say, you will find more liberality there in these matters than you seem to expect.

The best way of approaching the Lakes is certainly by crossing the sands from Ulverstone Lancaster, – take the stage for this, as the only safe mode. Your directions are as good as can be given. When you reach Ambleside, call on Mr Wordsworth who lives a mile off, – this letter will serve you as an introduction, I should then advise you to see Grasmere under his directions, & proceed to Keswick across the Stake, instead of taking the high road, by which means you will see Langdale & Borrodale. Leathes water which you will miss by taking this route, may be seen together with the vale of St Johns by an easy morning’s walk xx from hence; – from hence you will visit Buttermere, Crummock, Ennerdale & Waswater, on the one side, – & Ullswater on your way to Scotland: but here I shall see you & give you more particular directions.

I write in haste rather than lose a post –

Believe me Dear Sir
Yours faithfully
Robert Southey.

Volume Editor(s)