David Rettenmaier
Former Technical editor
Editions Publication: Frankenstein
Editions Publication: Wordsworth's Guide to the Lakes
Praxis Publication: An Interview with Anne Mellor
Praxis Publication: John Thelwall: Critical Reassessments
Praxis Publication: Minimal Romanticism
Praxis Publication: Multi-Media Romanticisms
Praxis Publication: New Work on German Romanticism
Praxis Publication: On the 200th Anniversary of Lord Byron's Manfred: Commemorative Essays
Praxis Publication: Pedagogies Edition: Teaching Romantic Drama
Praxis Publication: Percy Shelley and the Delimitation of the Gothic
Praxis Publication: Robert Bloomfield: The Inestimable Blessing of Letters
Praxis Publication: Romantic Frictions
Praxis Publication: Romantic Numbers
Praxis Publication: Romantic Systems
Praxis Publication: Romanticism and Biopolitics
Praxis Publication: Romanticism, Forgery, and the Credit Crunch
Praxis Publication: Stanley Cavell and the Event of Romanticism
Praxis Publication: The Politics of Shelley: History, Theory, Form
Praxis Publication: Tragedy, Translation, and Theory: In Honor of Thomas J. McCall
Praxis Publication: Visuality's Romantic Genealogies