Jessica Tebo
Associate Editor
Jessica Tebo is a Ph.D. candidate primarily interested in the long nineteenth-century novel, particularly representations of female mobility. Jessica graduated with her M.A. in Literature from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln in 2018. Her thesis, “Letters from Olive Fremstad to Willa Cather: A View Beyond The Song of the Lark,” won the Folsom Distinguished Master's Thesis Award. She is also the winner of the NCAA’s most distinguished academic award, The Walter Byers Graduate Scholarship. As the mother of two young boys, Jessica has no free time but tries to sneak in runs whenever she can.
Editions Publication: An Uninteresting Detail of a Journey to Rome
Editions Publication: Dorothy Wordsworth's Lake District
Editions Publication: Dorothy Wordsworth’s Lake District: Poems from the Commonplace Book
Editions Publication: Erasmus Darwin’s The Loves of the Plants
Editions Publication: Fables Ancient and Modern, by Edward Baldwin, Esq.
Editions Publication: Godwin's The History of England
Editions Publication: Hubert Parry’s Scenes from Prometheus Unbound
Editions Publication: Mary Shelley's The Last Man: Abridged Edition
Editions Publication: Nobody: A Comedy in Two Acts (1794)
Editions Publication: The Collected Letters of Robert Southey
Editions Publication: The Collected Letters of Robert Southey, Part Seven: 1822–1824
Editions Publication: Wordsworth's Guide to the Lakes
Praxis Publication: An Interview with Anne Mellor
Praxis Publication: Circulations: Romanticism and the Black Atlantic
Praxis Publication: David Bowie and the Legacies of Romanticism
Praxis Publication: English Romanticism in East Asia
Praxis Publication: John Thelwall: Critical Reassessments
Praxis Publication: Minimal Romanticism
Praxis Publication: Multi-Media Romanticisms
Praxis Publication: Pedagogies Edition: Teaching Jane Austen
Praxis Publication: Pedagogies Edition: Teaching Romantic Drama
Praxis Publication: Pedagogies Edition: William Blake and Pedagogy
Praxis Publication: Percy Shelley and the Delimitation of the Gothic
Praxis Publication: Robert Bloomfield: The Inestimable Blessing of Letters
Praxis Publication: Romantic Antiquarianism
Praxis Publication: Romantic Fandom
Praxis Publication: Romantic Frictions
Praxis Publication: Romantic Materialities
Praxis Publication: Romantic Numbers
Praxis Publication: Romantic Poetics of Public Feeling
Praxis Publication: Romantic Systems
Praxis Publication: Romanticism and Biopolitics
Praxis Publication: Romanticism and Disaster
Praxis Publication: Romanticism, Forgery, and the Credit Crunch
Praxis Publication: Stanley Cavell and the Event of Romanticism
Praxis Publication: The Politics of Shelley: History, Theory, Form
Praxis Publication: Tragedy, Translation, and Theory: In Honor of Thomas J. McCall
Praxis Publication: Visuality's Romantic Genealogies