4307. Robert Southey to [George Ticknor], 30 December 1824


MS: Rauner Special Collections Library, Dartmouth College Library, Ticknor 819211.1. ALS; 4p.
Previously published: Charles Cuthbert Southey (ed.), Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey, 6 vols (London, 1849–1850), V, pp. 194–197.

My dear Sir

I have delayed this long to acknowledge & thank you for your last consignment of books, in the hope of telling you – what I am now at last enabled to do, that Gifford has finally given up the Q Review, & that, after the forthcoming number


Quarterly Review, 31 (April 1824), published 30 December 1824–1 January 1825.

it will be under John Coleridge’s management. This is a matter which I have had very much at heart, that there might be an end of that mischievous language concerning your country. I opposed it always with all my might, & forced in that paper upon Dwights Travels,


Timothy Dwight (1752–1817), Travels in New-England and New-York (1821–1822), no. 881 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library, reviewed by Southey in Quarterly Review, 30 (October 1823), 1–40, published 17 April 1824.

– yet in the very next number the old system was renewed!


The highly sarcastic review of James Kirke Paulding (1778–1860), A Sketch of Old England by a New Englandman, in a Series of Letters to his Brother (1822), Quarterly Review, 30 (January 1824), 519–42, published 28 August 1824. Its author was John Wilson Croker, aided by William Gifford.

– This was the effect of poor Giffords own temper; – & you may be assured that it has occasiond almost as much disgust here, as in America. So far is it from being the language, or the wish of Government, that one of the Cabinet ministers



complained of it to me as most mischievous, & most opposite to the course which they were desirous of pursuing. There is an end of it now. & henceforth that journal will do all in its power towards establishing that feeling which ought to exist between the two nations. Let me be peace-maker; & use what influence you have that the right hand of good will may be accepted as frankly as it is offered.

I know not what the forthcoming number may contain. But I can answer for the Review afterwards. A friend of mine, (Hughes who wrote a pleasant book about the South of France)


John Hughes (1790–1857; DNB), author of An Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone, Made During the Year 1819 (1822). His review of ‘Washington Irving’s Tales’ finally appeared in the Quarterly Review, 31 (March 1825), 473–487, published 11 March 1825.

is preparing a paper upon your literature, – & Buckminsters Sermons


Joseph Stevens Buckminster (1784–1812), Minister at Boston’s Brattle Street Church from 1805 and Dexter Lecturer on Biblical Criticism at Harvard Divinity School 1811–1812. Buckminster was a key figure in early American Unitarianism and a noted preacher. His Sermons by the Late Rev. J. S. Buckminster (1815) were printed in Boston, no. 392 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library. A British edition appeared in 1827, but Longman did not take up Southey’s suggestion to reprint the work.

are reprinting at my suggestion.

Now then let me thank you for Philips War,


Thomas Church (1674–1746), The Entertaining History of King Philip’s War, Which Began in the Month of June in 1675. As also of Expeditions More Lately Made Against the Common Enemy, and Indian Rebels, in the Eastern Part of New-England: with Some Account of the Divine Providence Towards Col. Benjamin Church (1772), no. 590 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library,

so long desired, – for G Fox digged out of his Burrows,


Roger Williams (1603–1683), George Fox Digged out of his Burrowes (1676), no. 3122 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library.

& their companions. These Quaker books are very curious, – it is out of such rubbish that I have to pick out the whole materials for my intended edifice; & good materials they are, when they are found. – Before this reaches you I shall have finished the Tale of Paraguay,


Southey’s A Tale of Paraguay (1825).

which has hung like a mill stone about my neck, owing to the difficulty which the stanza occasioned. As soon as I am rid of it, I shall take up the New England poem


Southey’s unfinished ‘Oliver Newman’, set in New England. A fragment was published posthumously in Oliver Newman: a New-England Tale (Unfinished): with Other Poetical Remains by the Late Robert Southey (London, 1845), pp. 1–90.

as a regular employment, & work on with it steadily to the end. A third part is done; – I am not making a hero of Philip,


Metacom (1638–1676), who used the name ‘King Philip’ in his dealings with the New England settlers. He was the leader of the native American peoples in their conflict with the colonists in King Philip’s War 1675–1676.

as it now seems the fashion to represent him. In my story the question between the settlers & the natives will is very fairly represented, without any disposition either to favour the cause of savage life against civilization, or to dissemble the injuries which trading colonists (as well as military ones) have always committed upon people in an inferior grade of society to themselves. Better characters than the history affords me, or to speak more accurately, characters more capable of serving the purposes of poetry, I need not desire. The facts are not quite so manageable, – I may say as a xxxx friend of mine heard Bertrand de Moleville


Antoine-François Bertrand de Molleville (1744–1818), a French royalist and émigré. His numerous historical works included Histoire de la Revolution de France (1801–1803) and Mémoirs (1816).

say when after relating a story he was told that the facts were not as he had stated them. Ah Monsieur! tant pis pour les faits.


‘Too bad for the facts’. Southey related this story in Quarterly Review, 16 (October 1816), 236, without naming either de Molleville or the ‘friend’ who heard him make this remark.

So I must deal with them in fiction – as a Frenchman deals with facts in history, that is xxxxxxx take as little truth, & mingle it with as much invention, as suits my object. To what an extent the French do this, I should hardly have thought credible, – if I had not daily evidence in their memoirs upon the Peninsular War, comparing them with the undeniable documents in my hands. – My second volume


Southey’s History of the Peninsular War (1823–1832).

is pretty far advanced in the press, & I hope to send it you in the spring, – together with the Paraguay poem.

My niece desires me to thank you for that sweet story of Undine,


Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué (1777–1843), Undine (1811). It was translated by George Soane (1790–1860; DNB) in 1818 and an edition published in New York in 1823 – possibly the one Ticknor sent to Sara Coleridge. Soane also translated Minstrel-love; from the German of the Author of Undine (1821).

– which is surely the most graceful fiction of modern times. – Some other pieces of the same author have been translated here, all bearing marks of the same originality & genius.

I had made a half promise of going to Ireland to visit one of the best & ablest persons there, the Bishop of Limerick. But it is not likely that the intention can be fulfilled. An Irishman – well informed of the state of things there, writes to me in these words. “Pray don’t think of going to Ireland. I would not ensure any mans life for three months in that unhappy country. The populace are ready for a rebellion; & if their leaders should for their own purpose choose to have one, they may have tomorrow a second edition of the Irish massacre.”

Wordsworth was with me lately, in good health, – & we talked of you. His brother, the Master of Trinity, has just published a volume concerning the Εἰκὼν Βασιλική,


‘Royal Portrait’, i.e. Eikon Basilike, The Portraicture of His Sacred Majestie in His Solitudes and Sufferings (1649), no. 987 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library, purported to be the work of Charles I (1600–1649; King of Great Britain 1625–1649; DNB). Christopher Wordsworth, Εἰκὼν Βασιλική Considered and Answered in Two Letters addressed to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury (1824) aimed to support the idea that Charles I was the actual author – not a conclusion endorsed by modern scholars. The book was no. 3042 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library.

a question of no trifling importance both to our political & literary history. As far as minute & accumulative evidence can amount to proof, he has proved it to be genuine. For myself I have never, since I read the book, thought that any unprejudiced person could entertain a doubt concerning it. I am the more gratified that this full & satisfactory investigation has been made, xxxx because it grew out of a conversation between the two Wordsworths & myself, at Rydal, a year or two ago.

Remember me to all my Boston friends, – it is a pleasure to think I have so many xxxxy there. The only American whom I have seen this year, is Bishop Hobart of New York.


John Henry Hobart (1775–1830), Bishop of New York 1816–1830. He undertook a prolonged visit to Europe in 1823–1825, in an attempt to improve his health.

God bless you –
Yrs affectionately
Robert Southey.

Keswick. 30 Dec. 1824.


1. Quarterly Review, 31 (April 1824), published 30 December 1824–1 January 1825.[back]
2. Timothy Dwight (1752–1817), Travels in New-England and New-York (1821–1822), no. 881 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library, reviewed by Southey in Quarterly Review, 30 (October 1823), 1–40, published 17 April 1824.[back]
3. The highly sarcastic review of James Kirke Paulding (1778–1860), A Sketch of Old England by a New Englandman, in a Series of Letters to his Brother (1822), Quarterly Review, 30 (January 1824), 519–42, published 28 August 1824. Its author was John Wilson Croker, aided by William Gifford.[back]
4. Unidentified.[back]
5. John Hughes (1790–1857; DNB), author of An Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone, Made During the Year 1819 (1822). His review of ‘Washington Irving’s Tales’ finally appeared in the Quarterly Review, 31 (March 1825), 473–487, published 11 March 1825.[back]
6. Joseph Stevens Buckminster (1784–1812), Minister at Boston’s Brattle Street Church from 1805 and Dexter Lecturer on Biblical Criticism at Harvard Divinity School 1811–1812. Buckminster was a key figure in early American Unitarianism and a noted preacher. His Sermons by the Late Rev. J. S. Buckminster (1815) were printed in Boston, no. 392 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library. A British edition appeared in 1827, but Longman did not take up Southey’s suggestion to reprint the work.[back]
7. Thomas Church (1674–1746), The Entertaining History of King Philip’s War, Which Began in the Month of June in 1675. As also of Expeditions More Lately Made Against the Common Enemy, and Indian Rebels, in the Eastern Part of New-England: with Some Account of the Divine Providence Towards Col. Benjamin Church (1772), no. 590 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library,[back]
8. Roger Williams (1603–1683), George Fox Digged out of his Burrowes (1676), no. 3122 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library.[back]
9. Southey’s A Tale of Paraguay (1825).[back]
10. Southey’s unfinished ‘Oliver Newman’, set in New England. A fragment was published posthumously in Oliver Newman: a New-England Tale (Unfinished): with Other Poetical Remains by the Late Robert Southey (London, 1845), pp. 1–90.[back]
11. Metacom (1638–1676), who used the name ‘King Philip’ in his dealings with the New England settlers. He was the leader of the native American peoples in their conflict with the colonists in King Philip’s War 1675–1676.[back]
12. Antoine-François Bertrand de Molleville (1744–1818), a French royalist and émigré. His numerous historical works included Histoire de la Revolution de France (1801–1803) and Mémoirs (1816).[back]
13. ‘Too bad for the facts’. Southey related this story in Quarterly Review, 16 (October 1816), 236, without naming either de Molleville or the ‘friend’ who heard him make this remark.[back]
14. Southey’s History of the Peninsular War (1823–1832).[back]
15. Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué (1777–1843), Undine (1811). It was translated by George Soane (1790–1860; DNB) in 1818 and an edition published in New York in 1823 – possibly the one Ticknor sent to Sara Coleridge. Soane also translated Minstrel-love; from the German of the Author of Undine (1821).[back]
16. ‘Royal Portrait’, i.e. Eikon Basilike, The Portraicture of His Sacred Majestie in His Solitudes and Sufferings (1649), no. 987 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library, purported to be the work of Charles I (1600–1649; King of Great Britain 1625–1649; DNB). Christopher Wordsworth, Εἰκὼν Βασιλική Considered and Answered in Two Letters addressed to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury (1824) aimed to support the idea that Charles I was the actual author – not a conclusion endorsed by modern scholars. The book was no. 3042 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library.[back]
17. John Henry Hobart (1775–1830), Bishop of New York 1816–1830. He undertook a prolonged visit to Europe in 1823–1825, in an attempt to improve his health.[back]
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