3854. Robert Southey to Henry Herbert Southey, 14 June 1822


Address: To/ Dr Southey/ 15. Queen Anne Street/ Cavendish Square/ London
Stamped: KESWICK/ 298
Postmark: E/ 17 JU 17/ 1822
MS: Keswick Museum and Art Gallery, 1996.5.124. ALS; 2p.

My dear Harry

Grosvenor will send you 10£ for Edwards use. And when more is needed, more shall be sent. I have troubled you with a small packet, by Calvert. Some good foolish woman



troubled with me it; it contains bad verses by a poor woman



whom she wishes to save from parish pay; – but all my charity in this case can do is to return them to her without putting the Lady to the expence of six shillings in carriage. If they are not too bulky make them into a packet for the 2dy post: but if they are, let your servant carry them when next he goes into the city, & set down the trouble to your charitable account. I have many plagues of this kind.

It is very fortunate that John May postponed his visit from June till July.


John May and his son, John May (1802–1879), visited Southey at Keswick 5 August–2 September 1822.

I have been very unwell. My cold has been more severe than I ever remember it to have been & at length produced cough & fever. I am now better xxx & recovering strength tho I do not yet venture upon meat & wine. Today the glass promises rain, – a change which be hardly less agreable to me than to the garden –

Love to Louisa & Mrs Gonne – God bless you

1. Unidentified.[back]
2. Unidentified.[back]
3. John May and his son, John May (1802–1879), visited Southey at Keswick 5 August–2 September 1822.[back]
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