Amos Simon Cottle (1768?-1800): Poet and translator. Elder brother of Joseph Cottle. Educated at the school run by Richard Henderson (1736/7–1792) at Hanham, near Bristol, and Magdalene College, Cambridge (matric. 1795, BA 1799). He then embarked on a legal training. He spent the final year of his life in London, where he was a friend of George Dyer and Charles Lamb, and died in his chambers at Clifford’s Inn. Author of Icelandic Poetry, or, The Edda of Saemund, Translated into English verse (1797; published by Joseph Cottle and with a dedicatory poem by Southey). Several of his other poems were collected posthumously in the fourth edition of Joseph Cottle, Malvern Hills, With Minor Poems and Essays (1829). Southey probably met Amos Cottle through his younger brother Joseph. The two shared an interest in Scandinavian literature and mythology and it was Southey who encouraged Amos to produce a verse, rather than prose, translation of the Edda and who reviewed it in the Critical Review.

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