Thomas Foster Barham (1766-1844): Writer. The third son of Joseph Foster Barham, he was educated at St John’s College, Cambridge, but left without taking a degree. His marriage to Mary Ann Morton in 1790 produced six children. He was associated with the mercantile house of Plummer & Co, but retired to the West of England in 1806 due to ill health, settling at Leskinnick, near Penzance. His writings, mainly on theology and musical subjects, included: Letter from a Trinitarian to a Unitarian (1811), and Musical Meditations, Consisting of Original Compositions, Vocal and Instrumental (1811, 2nd set 1815). He composed sacred poems and dramas, including Abdallah, or, The Arabian Martyr (1820), and, in 1829, produced an English version of Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater. Barham admired Southey and corresponded with him, sending a copy of his Selection from Milton’s Hymn on the Nativity: Set to Music, and Dedicated to Robert Southey, Esq., Poet Laureate (1818).

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