3858. Robert Southey to Andreas Andersen Feldborg, 26 June 1822


Address: To/ A. Andersen Feldborg Esqre 
Endorsements: Southey; Mr Southey
MS: Special Collections, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa. ALS; 3p.

My dear Sir

You are welcome once more to England. I read of your arrival in Blackwood,


‘Noctes Ambrosianae’, No. III, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 11 (May 1822), 601–618, described a fictional dinner at which Feldborg was one of the participants.

but knew not whether the fact were not as apocryphal as the dinner & the whole conversation.

The books are safely arrived. When you visit Denmark again, I will take the opportunity, with your permission, of returning my thanks to Mr Oehlenschlieger, & Mr Ingeman, in kind.


Adam Oehlenschläger (1779–1850), Danish poet and playwright and Bernhard Severin Ingemann (1789–1862), Danish novelist and poet. Three volumes of Oehlenschläger’s works and ten volumes of Ingemann’s were nos. 786 and 1480, respectively, in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library. Southey reciprocated their gifts later in the year; see Southey to John Chapman, 11 October 1822, Letter 3904.

Meantime you will oblige me if when you write to that country, you can find means of conveying to them my verbal acknowledgements. With the help of the materials which you have now afforded me, I do not despair of obtaining some insight into the character of their compositions.

You have omitted to tell me what I am indebted to you. As soon as you let me know this, I will find means of discharging the debt.

My family, thank God, are all in good health, – & were pleased to hear of your safe arrival in England. I have myself been somewhat severely indisposed, but am now, I trust, nearly recovered, & in full employment.

When shall we see the second part of your Denmark delineated?


Feldborg’s Denmark Delineated; or, Sketches of the Present State of that Country, Illustrated with Portraits, Views and Other Engravings, from Drawings by Eminent Danish Artists, 3 vols (1821–1824).

I shall always be glad to hear from you on any subject wherin you may wish to communicate with me, – & always glad to see you whenever you may have occasion to travel in this direction.

My family join with me in kind regards –

Believe me my Dear Sir
Yrs very truly
Robert Southey

1. ‘Noctes Ambrosianae’, No. III, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 11 (May 1822), 601–618, described a fictional dinner at which Feldborg was one of the participants.[back]
2. Adam Oehlenschläger (1779–1850), Danish poet and playwright and Bernhard Severin Ingemann (1789–1862), Danish novelist and poet. Three volumes of Oehlenschläger’s works and ten volumes of Ingemann’s were nos. 786 and 1480, respectively, in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library. Southey reciprocated their gifts later in the year; see Southey to John Chapman, 11 October 1822, Letter 3904.[back]
3. Feldborg’s Denmark Delineated; or, Sketches of the Present State of that Country, Illustrated with Portraits, Views and Other Engravings, from Drawings by Eminent Danish Artists, 3 vols (1821–1824).[back]
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