3904. Robert Southey to John Chapman, 11 October 1822


Address: To/ John Chapman Esqre; To Messrs John Chapman & Co/ 2. Leadenhall Street
Postmark: none; [partial] 12 o’Clock/ 13 OC/ 22 NT 
Seal: red wax; arm holding aloft cross of Lorraine
Endorsement: Southey; Robert Southey Esr/ Poet Laureate
MS: Special Collections Research Center, University of Kentucky Libraries. ALS; 2p [letter text]; Special Collections, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa. ALS; 2p [address sheet].
Note on MS: The manuscript letter is now in the University of Kentucky Library, and the address sheet in the University of Iowa Libraries.


Mr Feldborg having informed me that you would have the goodness to forward some books to Copenhagen, which I wish to send there, I have desired Messrs Longman to consign them to your care; & take the liberty now of inclosing two notes to accompany them.


The two notes were to accompany presentation copies of unidentified works by Southey sent to Adam Oehlenschläger (1779–1850), Danish poet and playwright, and Bernhard Severin Ingemann (1789–1862), Danish novelist and poet. These were in return for copies of their writings that the Danes had gifted to Southey; see Robert Southey to Andreas Andersen Feldborg, 26 June 1822, Letter 3858. Three volumes of Oehlenschläger’s works and ten volumes of Ingemann’s works were nos. 786 and 1480, respectively, in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library.

Requesting you to excuse the liberty

I remain Sir
Your obliged & obedient servant
Robert Southey.


1. The two notes were to accompany presentation copies of unidentified works by Southey sent to Adam Oehlenschläger (1779–1850), Danish poet and playwright, and Bernhard Severin Ingemann (1789–1862), Danish novelist and poet. These were in return for copies of their writings that the Danes had gifted to Southey; see Robert Southey to Andreas Andersen Feldborg, 26 June 1822, Letter 3858. Three volumes of Oehlenschläger’s works and ten volumes of Ingemann’s works were nos. 786 and 1480, respectively, in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library.[back]
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