3894. Robert Southey to John Murray,9 September 1822


Address: To/ John Murray Esqre 
Endorsement: 9 Sept 1822/ R Southey Esq
MS: National Library of Scotland, MS 42552. ALS; 3p.

My dear Sir

The insertions which are dove-taild to a nicety in these half sheets compleat all that I have to do with the first volume.


The first volume of Southey’s History of the Peninsular War (1823–1832), published at the end of 1822.

Do you publish it forthwith, – or wait till the winter?

I go to press with the second volume, as soon as I receive some promised communications from Mr B. Frere.

In the course of the week I shall tra send up the first part of an article upon Gregoires Hist. des Sectes Religieuses.


Southey’s review of Henri Grégoire (1750–1831), Histoire des Sectes Religieuse, qui, Depuis de Commencement du Siecle Dernier Jusqu’a l’Epoque Actuelle, sont Nées, se sont Modifiées, se sont Éteintes dans le Quatre Parties du Monde (1814), Quarterly Review, 28 (October 1822), published 15 February 1823. The book was no. 2838 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library.

It will be an entertaining & curious paper. Blanco Whites book


Letters from Spain, by Don Leucadio Doblado (1822). Southey did not review this for the Quarterly Review.

& the State of Spain will be my next subject.

I requested you some time ago to procure a history of the War in Catalonia, & also ‘Anecdotes of the Leaders in thar war’ both by Francisco de Olivarez.


Southey had read John Mitford’s ‘On Spanish Literature, with some Account of Francisco de Olivarez’, New Monthly Magazine, 10 (October 1818), 221–223. It mentioned Olivarez’s Account of the War in Catalonia (1815) in four volumes, published at Seville, 1815; Anecdotes of Chiefs Employed in the Catalan War (1816); and Memoirs of the Spanish Monarchy to the Abdication of Charles 4 & the Usurpation of Joseph Bonaparte (1816). However, none of these works seem to exist. Southey had already asked Murray to try and acquire them; see Southey to John Murray: 10 July 1820, The Collected Letters of Robe…

– They are quite necessary for my second volume

Believe me my dear Sir
Yrs very truly
R Southey.


9 Sept 1822. Keswick.


It is so very long since I have had a proof of the B of the Church,


Southey’s The Book of the Church (1824).

that I think the last portion of copy must have been mislaid – or forgotten

1. The first volume of Southey’s History of the Peninsular War (1823–1832), published at the end of 1822.[back]
2. Southey’s review of Henri Grégoire (1750–1831), Histoire des Sectes Religieuse, qui, Depuis de Commencement du Siecle Dernier Jusqu’a l’Epoque Actuelle, sont Nées, se sont Modifiées, se sont Éteintes dans le Quatre Parties du Monde (1814), Quarterly Review, 28 (October 1822), published 15 February 1823. The book was no. 2838 in the sale catalogue of Southey’s library.[back]
3. Letters from Spain, by Don Leucadio Doblado (1822). Southey did not review this for the Quarterly Review.[back]
4. Southey had read John Mitford’s ‘On Spanish Literature, with some Account of Francisco de Olivarez’, New Monthly Magazine, 10 (October 1818), 221–223. It mentioned Olivarez’s Account of the War in Catalonia (1815) in four volumes, published at Seville, 1815; Anecdotes of Chiefs Employed in the Catalan War (1816); and Memoirs of the Spanish Monarchy to the Abdication of Charles 4 & the Usurpation of Joseph Bonaparte (1816). However, none of these works seem to exist. Southey had already asked Murray to try and acquire them; see Southey to John Murray: 10 July 1820, The Collected Letters of Robert Southey. Part Six, Letter 3509; 27 February 1821, The Collected Letters of Robert Southey. Part Six, Letter 3641; and 11 June 1821, The Collected Letters of Robert Southey. Part Six, Letter 3693; and 27 July 1822, Letter 3877.[back]
5. Southey’s The Book of the Church (1824).[back]
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