[Page f.55v]
Dear Child I would not still be teaching
Nor would I tire you out with with long preaching
Then kindly take my plain directions
Then burden with my plain directions
To regulate your young affections
addressed to a Child
Say not you love a roasted fowl x x addressed to a Child.
There’s more in words than I can teach,
But listen, Child! - I would not preach;
Yet would I give some plain directions
To regulate guide your speech & your affections
Say not you love a roasted fowl
But you may love &c. &c.
[Page f.57r]
That store the mind, the memory feed
[Word(s) hidden by wax] prompt to many a gentle deeds:
But likings come and pass away
‘Tis love that remains till our latest day:
Our guide to Heaven is Holy Love;
It is our bliss with Saints above.
Our heaven-ward guide is holy love
[Word(s) hidden by wax] our will be bliss with Saints above
And it will be bliss with Saints above.
Loving & liking are the solace of life
They foster all joy & extinguish all strife.
By liking a friendship may grow out of strife;
But love is the sunshine & starlight of life!
Loving & liking are the solace of life
They foster all joy and extinguish all strife
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